Essential Tax Numbers For 2020

With a new year comes new tax numbers!   Below is a quick reference of important tax numbers for 2020.

RRSP Contribution Limit: 
  • 2019: $26,500
  • 2020: $27,230
TFSA Limit: 
  • 2019: $6000
  • 2020: $6000
Max. Pensionable Earnings: 
  • 2019: $57,400
  • 2020: $58,700
Maximum EI Insurable Earnings: 
  • 2019: $53,100
  • 2020: $54,200
Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption : 
  • 2019: $866,912
  • 2020: $883,384
Home Buyers Amount: 
  • Homebuyers may be able to claim up to $5000 of the purchase cost.
Medical Expense Threshold: 
  • 2019: 3% of net income or $2352, whichever is less
  • 2020: 3% of net income or $2397, whichever is less
Donation Tax Credits: 
  • Between 2013-2017, the first-time donor super credit is 25% for up to $1000 in donations for one tax year.   This program is now expired and doesn’t apply to years after 2017.
Basic Personal Amount: 
  • 2019: $12,069
  • 2020: $12,298
  • The liberal government has promised to raise this amount over four years to reach $15,000.
Canada Caregiver Credit: 
  • Caregivers who have a physically or mentally impaired dependent may be able to claim up to $2,182 in additional non-refundable tax credits.
Child Disability Benefit: 
  • 2019: $2832
  • 2020: $2886
  • This is a tax-free benefit available to families caring for a child under 18 with a severe and prolonged disability.
Canada Child Benefit: 
  • 2019:  $6,639 per child under six, $5,602 per child age 6-17
  • 2020:  $6,765 per child under six, $5,708 per child age 6-17
Child Care Expense Deduction Limit: 
  • $8,000 for children under 7, $5000 for children age 7-16, and $11,000 for children that are eligible for the disability tax credit.
Pension Income Amount : 
  • $200 can be claimed if eligible pension, superannuation, or annuity payments are reported.
OAS Recovery Threshold: 
  • 2019: $77,580
  • 2020: $79,054

The Bottom Line

These are the current numbers released as of December 2019.  The newly re-elected liberal government has made some promises that may affect some of these amounts but for the time being they remain unchanged.

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